script ideas
narration - gunfighter switches character - connect narrator and main character1 is mark "mark is a robot" narrative twist the story follows multiple characters that have a pinnacle point where it switches to the next character in the story. A narrator talks through the story of every character as they appear in the film. script as of current / 06,12,2019 EXT . OUTSIDE AT NIGHTTIME IN A TOWN WITH HEAVY RAIN The man stands there in the rain with a sour and serious look on his face. The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. Narrator (slightly chipper) this is Steven he doesn't really know where he is. Steven where the hell am i He looks at his phone which shows some text messages. one says look to your right. He looks to his right down an alleyway Narrator he didn't really know what that meant either. Steven What's that supposed to mean? EXT . IT STARTS TO RAIN HARDER AND GETS DARKER ...