Peer Observation Feedback

Megan observing Cameron on the director Stanley Kubrick

what was learnt about the director?
Stanley Kubrick made clockwork orange and the shining films.
Stanley Kubrick was influenced by Soviet film makers.
Influenced by novelists which lead to a story like style of film making.
Often worked closely with his actors to gain a better performance.
He grew up around war time which eventually led to psychology and how he sees the world and its problems.
2001 a space odyssey received critical acclaim.

what have you learnt about the auteur theory?
Stanley Kubrick uses Greek mythology and real world events as shown in clockwork orange this is because of his personal interest in mythology.
His love of photography led to symmetry in a lot of his films and the rooms and scenes being aesthetically pleasing.
He bases his movies around the psychological ideas or psychological horror which is even shown in Full Metal Jacket.
Most of his films are set in or around Europe due to his love of the continent.

Was the presentation well-constructed and informative? in what way?
yes, full of information and facts.

Did the presentation make good use of visuals? how?
Yes, clips of films was useful to show representations.

Was  the analysis of the film clips (or images) detailed enough? (explain)
yes, detailed explanation.

Did the presentation contain sufficient use of 'film language'? (state?)

How could the presentation be improved
More visuals on power point.
Finished video essay.


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